Costa Brava Mediterranean Foods wishes you a Merry Christmas, in Peace


Christmas is a time full of magic and illusion to enjoy the beautiful moments we live together with our loved ones.

At this time we would like to thank all our consumers, customers and suppliers for your support and loyalty, which has helped us so much throughout 2023.

This new year, we wish for an end to international conflicts to bring happiness back to every home in the world, and that is why our Christmas video this year is a longing for Peace in the world, a project focused on raising awareness among people so that, all together, hopefully, we can achieve a safer world, without conflicts, without explosions, exchanging weapons for smiles.

Given the current situation, we do our bit to join in this universal desire to end wars and achieve PEACE.

Watch our Christmas video by clicking here

Costa Brava Mediterranean Foods wishes you happy holidays and a prosperous 2024 full of peace and hope for everyone

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