We collaborate with Florida Universitaria in the second edition of the Industrial Café


Our plant in Cheste (Valencia) has collaborated again in the second edition of the Industrial Coffee organised by Florida Universitaria, where we have been awarded for our interest and support to Vocational Training.

In this event, possibilities for collaboration are discussed and agreed upon with the aim of making it a mutually beneficial cooperation.

In this case, the team of Engineering coordinators and staff of the Fundació Florida explained the educational model to the representatives of the companies. The different companies presented themselves briefly and, in some cases, commented on how the students have added value to their businesses and how they have at the same time gained professional experience in which they have learned how the world of work works and have been able to see how work is done in important companies in the country.

The main objective of this Industrial Forum is to transmit the professional experiences of the collaborating companies to the students, thus improving their skills and knowledge.

We are delighted to be able to contribute to the training of our young people

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